Innovation and key themes

Jobs & Training

Employment and attractiveness of Sectors at the heart of SIVAL

SIVAL is deeply committed to promoting employment, training and the attractiveness of Sectors plants.

The Job Centre, in partnership withAPECITA,ANEFA and OCAPIAT, offers advice and support on careers in plant production, and puts recruiters and candidates in touch with each other (jobs, work-study, internships, etc.). Workshops are also organized and run by experts, who share their views and experience on the evolution of professions, the skills in demand, and how to build a professional project in a constantly changing agricultural world.

In addition, SIVAL collaborates with schools, universities and training centers to present to present educational programs that prepare students for the specific challenges of modern, sustainable agriculture. By highlighting career prospects and facilitating access to training, SIVAL is committed to maintaining a skilled and motivated workforce, ready to meet the future challenges of plant production.

Employment and Training at SIVAL - The employment area at the heart of the Show - © Régine Lemarchand - SIVAL

Workshops and conferences

Whether you're an employer, an employee or a trainee, we have a number of key individual and group events to support you. (Program 2025 to come)

Workshops and conferences on employment and training at SIVAL - © Régine Lemarchand - SIVAL

Back to pictures

Attractive jobs at SIVAL 2024
ITW of Géraldine LEBRETON, APECITA Regional Delegate

ITW of Géraldine LEBRETON, APECITA Regional Delegate

How can we get young people involved in the agricultural professions, and change the way they see them? - Bertille THAREAU - Sociologist at ESA

How can we get young people involved in the agricultural professions, and change the way they see them? - Bertille THAREAU - Sociologist at ESA

Successfully welcoming seasonal market gardeners: discover innovative awareness-raising tools - MSA

ITW of Géraldine LEBRETON, APECITA Regional Delegate

ITW of Géraldine LEBRETON, APECITA Regional Delegate

How can we get young people involved in the agricultural professions, and change the way they see them? - Bertille THAREAU - Sociologist at ESA

How can we get young people involved in the agricultural professions, and change the way they see them? - Bertille THAREAU - Sociologist at ESA

Successfully welcoming seasonal market gardeners: discover innovative awareness-raising tools - MSA


Employment players at SIVAL

Jobs and training at the heart of the show

Meet an advisor

Our APECITA and ANEFA advisors are on hand to answer your questions (no appointment necessary).

You are an employer: our advisors are here to help you translate your recruitment needs into a job offer, write and submit the offer, promote the offer, and offer you a pre-selection of candidates to meet your need for employees or a team of seasonal workers....

If you're a candidate, come and have a look at the job offers on display in the employment area. Our advisors will be on hand to provide information and help you discover the online candidate area of the and websites , so that you can stay in touch with vacancies in the agricultural sector. You can also take advantage of our advisers to discuss your CV, prepare your interview, etc.

For further information, please contact

  • Meet with an APECITA advisor (Association pour l'emploi des cadres, Ingénieurs et Techniciens de l'agriculture): e-mail contact - 02 41 18 60 19
  • Meet with an ANEFA advisor (Association Nationale Pour l'Emploi et la Formation en Agriculture): e-mail contact - 02 41 96 76 81
  • Meet with an OCAPIAT advisor: https: // - 02 99 83 39 00

Your Job Centre contact

Pauline BIDARD
Projects and Communications Manager

Our partners

As a platform and crossroads for innovation and concrete solutions, SIVAL is a place for exchanges that are directly relevant to the challenges of the future.