SIVAL Innovation Competition

SIVAL Innovation Award - © Régine Lemarchand - SIVAL

Focus on innovation!

SIVAL Innovation is the flagship competition of SIVAL, and more broadly of Sectors in France. Its aim is to award prizes for the best innovations in equipment, products and services for all types of plant production, and for the best varietal innovations, to companies, organizations or associations in the sector.

Each year, this competition highlights innovative solutions that contribute to the sustainability, performance and competitiveness of plant production. The winning innovations cover a wide range of fields, from cutting-edge crop management technologies to new plant varieties, plant protection solutions and resource optimization.

SIVAL Innovation prize-winners benefit from increased visibility with industry professionals. Sectors. The competition also encourages exchanges and collaborations, promoting the sharing of knowledge and the development of new business opportunities.

Discover the 19 winners and 16 nominees of the SIVAL Innovation 2025 competition.

The final jury met on December 10 and rewarded 19 innovative solutions.

SIVAL Innovation 2025 badge
The SIVAL Innovation Competition, presentation and challenges by Valérie LEBOURGEOIS, SIVAL Community Manager
The SIVAL Innovation Competition, presentation and challenges by Valérie LEBOURGEOIS, SIVAL Community Manager

Prizes awarded in 7 categories

The competition awards a SIVAL d'Or, d'Argent or de Bronze to materials, products and services presented at SIVAL that stand out for one or more of the following qualities:

  • Innovative character compared to existing solutions.
  • Challenges for sector.
  • Sustainable development benefits: environmental, societal, economic.
  • Quality of technical arguments, results of experiments carried out by third parties.


The Varietal Innovation prize rewards varieties presented at the SIVAL Innovation competition that stand out for one or more of the following qualities:

  • Innovative character (originality, innovation, challenge for sector).
  • Impact on elements of sustainable development (environment: inputs, disease resistance, etc. / economy: impact for the seed company and the grower, interest of the variety in relation to existing varieties on the market, etc. / social: impact on employment, impact on the geographical location of the business).
  • Seed quality, production method and selection methodology.
  • Scientific and technical relevance of arguments.


For the Varietal Innovation category, products must be registered in the CTPS European catalog (European CPVO).

Varietal innovation

Seeds and plants

Machinery and automation

Motorized machines and machine optimization equipment

Plant health, soil and growing media

Biocontrol, biostimulants, fertilizers, mulching and other solutions for plant and soil health.

Production equipment

Supplies, small equipment and production infrastructure (pre-marketing)

Marketing solutions

Marketing, packaging and other supplies and small equipment

Digital tools, data processing

Digital applications, OAD, modeling, traceability, recognition

Collective approach and services

Support, facilitation and sharing solutions from production to marketing

Varietal innovation

Seeds and plants

Machinery and automation

Motorized machines and machine optimization equipment

Plant health, soil and growing media

Biocontrol, biostimulants, fertilizers, mulching and other solutions for plant and soil health.

Production equipment

Supplies, small equipment and production infrastructure (pre-marketing)

Marketing solutions

Marketing, packaging and other supplies and small equipment

Digital tools, data processing

Digital applications, OAD, modeling, traceability, recognition

Collective approach and services

Support, facilitation and sharing solutions from production to marketing


Competition schedule

Key dates :

  • Application deadline: June 17, 2024
  • Application deadline: October 2, 2024
  • Pre-jury: November 22, 2024
  • Final jury: Tuesday, December 10, 2024


Each entry will be submitted to one or more experts specializing in the field, who will give an opinion on the level of innovation and the challenges and benefits brought by the solution. This opinion will provide additional information for the pre-jury, which will make an initial selection of the applications submitted (nominees), and then for the final jury, made up of producers, technicians, journalists and some members of the SIVAL organization committee.

The awards ceremony takes place during the show. Nominees benefit from multi-channel communication up to SIVAL, and winners from increased communication during the show.

SIVAL Innovation 2025 badge

Your SIVAL Innovation contact

Project Manager

With the support of

In the Varietal Innovation category, in partnership with

Our partners

As a platform and crossroads for innovation and concrete solutions, SIVAL is a place for exchanges that are directly relevant to the challenges of the future.