15 commitments for an eco-designed SIVAL

Eco-responsibility at the heart of our approach

SIVAL, the flagship event supported by Destination Angers, which has ISO 20121 certification, is part of a sustainable development approach. As an organizer and host of events for professionals and the general public, Destination Angers is committed on a daily basis to a policy of responsible management of its activities. This commitment is fully in line with our region's policy of ecological transition, our positioning as a "Ville Nature" (City of Nature) and with a view to continuous improvement.

Destination Angers, ISO20121 certified

Find out more about our commitments on destination-angers. com as part of our ISO20121 certification.

ISO 20121 certification for Destination Angers


9 - Inform and raise awareness of our CSR approach

  • Creation of specific signage on concrete CSR actions implemented at SIVAL.
  • Highlighting in communications of partnerships undertaken as part of our CSR approach, particularly in the fight against food waste implemented at SIVAL with the SOLAAL association.
  • Include specific questions on CSR in visitor and exhibitor satisfaction surveys.
  • Inform visitors, exhibitors, service providers, contributors and SIVAL teams of Destination Angers' ISO 20121 certification by including an explanatory note on SIVAL communication media.
  • Include points of interest related to SIVAL's CSR approach on the paper and/or interactive map (waste collection points, ashtrays, PRM access, bicycle parking, etc.).

10 - Reduce the environmental impact of printing activities

  • Rationalize printing quantities using a table tracking quantities ordered and quantities remaining after the show. Optimize the "pass" printing margin for documents, currently at 5% for SIVAL.
  • Recycling our unused editions at the end of the Show: specific paper/cardboard collection stream on site.
  • Formalize eco-design guidelines for communication service providers for the creation and layout of materials, such as reducing the use of solid colors and ink rates to reduce ink consumption during printing, and choosing standard formats to avoid offcuts.
  • Use CSR/quality/price criteria to determine the paper used for printing communication materials, giving preference to recycled paper or paper with labels guaranteeing traceability, sustainable forest management and the quality of the paper ordered (FSC, PEFC).

11 - Reduce the environmental impact of digital communication and marketing activities

  • Streamline video capture and live broadcasting at Sival to consume less bandwidth and energy.
  • Implementation of an environmentally-friendly video hosting and broadcasting system, using renewable energies and certified in its rational use of datacenters.
  • Rationalize the design and management of Destination Angers' proprietary event websites by integrating a multisite design strategy.

12 - Rationalize signage and the use of promotional items

  • Replacing plastic badge holders with recycled plastic.
  • Reuse of necklaces and badge holders through a collection at the end of the show.
  • More exhibitor goodies.
  • Timeless marking of signage to encourage reuse (70%) from one year to the next.
  • Use of bio-sourced materials for signage where dimensions permit.

Our partners

As a platform and crossroads for innovation and concrete solutions, SIVAL is a place for exchanges that are directly relevant to the challenges of the future.