15 commitments for an eco-designed SIVAL

Eco-responsibility at the heart of our approach

SIVAL, the flagship event supported by Destination Angers, which has ISO 20121 certification, is part of a sustainable development approach. As an organizer and host of events for professionals and the general public, Destination Angers is committed on a daily basis to a policy of responsible management of its activities. This commitment is fully in line with our region's policy of ecological transition, our positioning as a "Ville Nature" (City of Nature) and with a view to continuous improvement.

Destination Angers, ISO20121 certified

Find out more about our commitments on destination-angers. com as part of our ISO20121 certification.

ISO 20121 certification for Destination Angers


8 - Take into account the environmental quality of our purchasing on a daily basis

  • Creation of a responsible purchasing process distributed to all employees.
  • Inclusion of CSR rating criteria in public procurement contracts and calls for tender.
  • Encourage re-use before ordering new.
  • Pooling of General Facilities for back-to-back events.
  • Pool furniture and decoration purchases.
  • Creation of an internal directory of responsible service providers.


Our partners

As a platform and crossroads for innovation and concrete solutions, SIVAL is a place for exchanges that are directly relevant to the challenges of the future.