15 commitments for an eco-designed SIVAL

Eco-responsibility at the heart of our approach

SIVAL, the flagship event supported by Destination Angers, which has ISO 20121 certification, is part of a sustainable development approach. As an organizer and host of events for professionals and the general public, Destination Angers is committed on a daily basis to a policy of responsible management of its activities. This commitment is fully in line with our region's policy of ecological transition, our positioning as a "Ville Nature" (City of Nature) and with a view to continuous improvement.

Destination Angers, ISO20121 certified

Find out more about our commitments on destination-angers. com as part of our ISO20121 certification.

ISO 20121 certification for Destination Angers


6 - Reducing our energy consumption

  • Heating switched off during show set-up and dismantling.
  • Eliminate or reduce heating in corridors and transition areas.
  • Publication of a checklist for extinguishing spotlight rails and screens, and determination of heating rules for security guards and the operations team.
  • Optimization of Exhibition Centre screen on/off times.

7 - Raising awareness of energy savings

  • Raising awareness among our service providers and exhibitors of the importance of switching off electrical equipment in a sensible manner.
  • Raising our exhibitors' awareness of the use of LED lights to replace conventional lighting.
  • Gain an overview of our greenhouse gas emissions by carrying out a carbon footprint for Destination Angers and SIVAL, and communicate the results.
  • Reinforced signage to make visitors and exhibitors aware of door closures.

Our partners

As a platform and crossroads for innovation and concrete solutions, SIVAL is a place for exchanges that are directly relevant to the challenges of the future.